Craftmanship & Engineering Services
Land Rover vehicles are sometimes a bit “special” when it comes to repairs and maintenance.
As long-time drivers of Land Rover vehicles and as active members of the Land Rover community we can tell you many stories in which these “little specials” of LR vehicles have led to long or expensive workshop stays time and again. The lack of special tools, special Land Rover programming devices, lack of experience with special features or the unwillingness to look around the countless (mostly English) information portals or to phone the English-speaking professionals when new or rare problems arise or for non-routine conversion tasks sometimes do not lead to the desired result.
This is exactly why we work together with selected partner workshops. Nowadays, many Land Rover repairs and conversions are about two things: “craftsmanship” and “information”.
“Craftmanship” + “Information
Our partner workshops are (like many other workshops) excellent craftsmen. They know the vehicles, have the necessary equipment & experience, have good mechanics and are also willing to accept the often very complex Land Rover special features during the repair. In addition, our partner workshops do not shy away from making new or unknown conversions that other workshops would refuse to do because they have simply never done anything like this before and do not want to research the details (e.g. something like an Adaptive Cruise Conrol conversion at Disco 3, yes that is possible ;-)).
Besides the “handicraft” there is also the topic “information”. Some of the parts we offer at ExpeditionParts are developed by ourselves, or together with cooperation partners (for example the bearing lock in the 3.0l engine to prevent crankshaft problems). Other parts come from all parts of the world. From Africa, from USA & Canada, from Australia or of course from England. The documentation about the installation, programming and compatibility of the parts is often not easy to understand and many German master craftsmen simply don’t want to deal with endless English language instructions. This is the task we take over in this partnership. We at ExpeditionParts research the components, select the best possible parts, contact the importers, get the parts (preferably at good conditions, of course) and we tell the workshop how to install them. At the same time we also make sure that the parts are legal and are accepted in Germany (otherwise we will inform you about it). We do calculations, strength proofs (we have 3 Dr. Engineers of mechanical engineering and mechatronics in the company after all) and in case of problems we handle all communication with our international suppliers and specialist lights.
ExpeditionParts as “vehicle conversion architect” and “general contractor
In addition, we take over the complete handling of repairs, installations, conversions and extensions for you, if you wish. Of course, this also means that we take care of the collection of your vehicle, the transport to the workshop, to the painter, to the foiler, to the Tüv and other involved persons. We are practically your off-road conversion architect and general contractor for your Land Rover. As a conversion architect we coordinate your goals together with you, advise you on the possible implementation, look for suitable suppliers and procure the parts and know-how. As a general contractor we subcontract the workshops that we think are best suited for the task at hand.
All well and good, but isn’t that much more expensive?
No! We have special agreements with our partner workshops. The end customer pays the same hourly rate to the workshop, regardless of whether the repair is carried out by us or directly by the workshop. However, since we perform valuable tasks for the partner workshop (keyword: information), the partner workshop is happy to involve us in such projects as a partner. In addition, many spare parts at ExpeditionsParts are also cheaper than if these parts were purchased directly from a workshop.
And does this conversion “architecture service” cost extra?
Usually this service is free of charge for you. We have done most of the conversions before and already know how to deal with them. New ideas usually appeal to us so much that we are willing to work out or research the solution in our own interest – after all, Land Rover is not only our profession but also our hobby. (And with the second or third vehicle, we then start to earn some money with this advance performance perhaps). Only in the case of absolutely exotic or highly individual ideas, which we can almost certainly never market more than once, would we offer this engineering service again separately.
And from whom do I get warranty services?
As a general contractor, ExpeditionParts is your contact. If the warranty refers to the spare parts installed, we will take care of the replacement and contact the respective manufacturer. If the warranty refers to the service (the repair), we contact the workshop for the purpose of repair. So you have one contact person, unless you want direct contact – in which case you can of course communicate with each of our cooperation partners yourself. We have no secrets here!
Currently we are working together with a workshop in Dinslaken (Florian Seipenbusch) and with a workshop in Aschaffenburg (Michael Kupski) for repairs and mechanics.
Can I only use the services of ExpeditionParts in a ExpeditionParts partner garage?
Unfortunately this is a difficult situation for us. Some customers want us to work with their “home and garden” garage. We have already done this in the past. However, the problem is that we, as the general contractor, are also responsible for the entire project and, in the case of unknown partners, we do not know how they work. In addition, we have also had negative experiences with workshops, which we would not be happy to repeat. Therefore, we prefer to work with partners we know well and really trust.
So do you never encounter any problems at ExpeditionParts?
Haha, I wish so ;-). Of course something can go wrong with us or we start with a new conversion that we have never done before and in the end we realize that it doesn’t work out the way we wanted it to. That is unfortunately so. Most of the time we know in advance which projects this can happen and which should run smoothly. Our way in this case is to discuss the topic openly with you. Because as the saying goes: Honesty is the best policy.
Do you still have questions? Just talk to us…