Information, equipment and spare parts
Building on our decades of experience in the off-road sector with Land Rover vehicles, we are compiling a comprehensive collection of information and the best spare parts, equipment and accessories. Of course you can also buy any item in our store or we can import/procure it for you, mostly at very good conditions.
We have tested most of the products we offer here ourselves and are really convinced of their quality. Our goal is to offer high quality products at fair prices and to give you the opportunity to make your vehicle something very special.
But who is DiscoveryParts?
Let us introduce ourselves:
“I am Peter Löwenhaupt, founder and managing director of Discovery Parts. I have been driving off-road vehicles myself for many years and have been driving Land Rovers for over 10 years now. I use these cars for travel and transport. When the Discoverys were launched there were hardly any suitable accessories available (e.g. to transport mountain bikes in a car) and the few established suppliers on the market continued to focus on the Defender or other vehicles.
Therefore I started with the Discovery at that time and tried to get every accessory that could be used and is available in the world at an acceptable price-performance ratio. We later built many of them ourselves or had them built. In 2011 I founded DiscoveryParts (then called Löwenhaupt LebensART GmbH) and turned my hobby into my profession! In the meantime, DiscoveryParts has a customer base of more than 5,000 Discovery drivers all over the world and we have vehicles with complete conversions, expedition upgrades or (unfortunately) engine repairs in our workshop on a quasi weekly basis.
With my wealth of experience, which has grown over the years, I think I have seen almost everything before and will gladly pass this information on to you to advise you. Our motto is: useful products for your cars at fair prices!
With the New Defender a new era begins and I myself am already infected and have already ordered my first Defender. Although it will probably never completely “cure” me of the Discovery virus, I am still looking forward to the new one. Unofficially it is the successor of the Discovery 4 or 5, whereas the Discovery 5 does not really seem to replace the Discovery 4, but is an own species in the Land Rover Discovery family.
In spring 2020 I made the decision to bring fresh blood into the company and teamed up with three engineers who share my passion for Land Rover and Offroad. Kenny Saul, Martin Spitz and Gregor Hiesgen are my new partners and together with them I will now have the time and resources to continuously develop and improve DiscoveryParts.
That was the starting signal for the foundation of DefenderParts”.
“I’m Kenny Saul, the second mind behind DiscoveryParts, so to speak.
Offroad, outdoor and nature are my passion and passion since my childhood. While other kids played with racing cars, it was the off-road vehicles, enduros and quads that excited me. So it came about that I can now look back on more than 10 years of off-road experience. Finally and until today in a Land Rover Discovery 4 – of course a little bit modified compared to the serial version.
Besides the actual 4×4, I have a second offroad passion for offroad motorcycles and have mastered the one or other enduro track or enduro hike with my various companions from BMW and Honda to Yamaha and KTM.
For the sake of completeness, I would also like to mention my offroad caravan with transport facilities for two motorcycles, which I also built up as an annual project and with which I became an enthusiastic “camper”.
Because of my studies and my experiences in the field of offroad and outdoor activities I think I can help you with many problems. And if not, well then there are still my two colleagues and friends Martin and Gregor, our big network and of course Peter ;-).
So, so much for us first. Feel comfortable on our pages and rummage around. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Peter & Kenny